Our clients


Cadance is represented by Pippa Masson.



Cadance Bell

Cadance “Cady” Bell is an Australian author and a writer, producer and director of film & television. Her debut memoir, The All of It: A Bogan Rhapsody will be released in July 2022 through Penguin Random House. 

Her writing has also appeared in publications like The Guardian and popular queer blogs including Rainbow Roo and I Miss Pockets.

A popular & engaging speaker, Cady has performed to sold-out audiences at events including Queerstories and the Antidote Festival at the Sydney Opera House. In 2020 she was selected into the Poplabs Social Impact Incubator, where she helped to “unmake prejudice” by encouraging audiences to know LGTBQIA+ stories.

She has written, produced and directed dozens of award winning short films, music videos & TVCs. Her documentary films include The Rainbow Passage for Network Ten & Screen Australia and Who I Am, the world’s first documentary exploring the intersection of gender diversity and neurodivergence, coming to a major streaming platform in 2022.

Cady lives in Central West N.S.W. with her fiance Amanda. She likes Pokemon Go and short walks to the fridge. She is openly transgender and she freaking loves burritos.

